A Portable Dictionary of Chinese Idioms (Hanyu Chengyu …)


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A Portable Dictionary of Chinese Idioms (Hanyu Chengyu Xiao Cidian)


Author: Collective
Order No. 15606
ISBN-13: 9787100035804
ISBN-10: 7100035805
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Commercial Press
Pub Year: 2003
Pages: 514
Language: Chinese
Size: 4 x 5
Price: $9.95

This dictionary collects more than 4,600 commonly used idioms. Every idiom has accurate explanation, standard pinyin, and concise examples. The explanation indicates whether the idiom is metaphorical, adjectival, praiseful or blameful, and so on. For those difficult characters and words, the dictionary has special notes of them.

Instruction: The following introduction to this book is in Chinese. If your computer doesn't show Chinese characters, please right-click your mouse, select Encoding and then select Chinese Simplified to read in Chinese.


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