Advanced Modern Chinese Acupuncture Therapy
Author: Ganglin Yin & Zhenhua Liu
Order No. 5001
ISBN-13: 9787800055584
ISBN-10: 7800055582
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: New World Press
Pub Year: 2000
Pages: 562
Language: English
A handbook for intermediate and advanced studies of Chinese acupuncture therapy. The book has three parts: Part 1: basic knowledge of Chinese acupuncture & moxibustion; Part 2: details of 105 diseases and morbid conditions; and Part 3: index.
Besides basic theoretical knowledge, the book contains important information seldom seen in texts and reference manuals in English: actions of points, point combinations, Zhenjiu manipulations and invaluable clinical experience. The text combines Chinese acupuncture & moxibustion with Western medicine, and the diseases in Part Two are named and introduced briefly using Western medical terminology and are then defined in Chinese medicine.