China: People / Place / Culture / History
Author: He Xingliang
Order No. 3518
ISBN-13: 9780756631598
ISBN-10: 0756631599
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: DK Publishing
Pub Year: 2007
Language: English
Size: 12 x 10
Page: 360
Price: $69.95
The accomplished author Anchee Min writes the prologue to China, People Place Culture History, a handsome book published by DK Publishing. The book runs to over glossy 350 pages and, as it title suggests, covers China’s history, geography, and culture with magnificent photographs. For instance, the Songzanlin Buddhist 17th century monastery in Yunnan draped in mist and the Grand Canal near Wuxi in Jiangsu are particularly beautiful examples of landscape photography. –The Travel Photographer