Chinese Characters Dictionary with English Annotations


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Chinese Characters Dictionary with English Annotations


Author: Wu Guanghua
Order No. 15708
ISBN-13: 9787313028990
ISBN-10: 7313028997
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press
Pub Year: 2002
Pages: 1,437
Language: English and Chinese
Size: 7.5 x 10.5
Price: $79.95

With 29,000 entries and 100,000 phrases, this is the largest and most comprehensive Chinese characters dictionary with English annotations or explanations, covering both social sciences and natural sciences. The most impressive feature of this dictionary is that readers can look up many rare Chinese characters not easily found in comparable dictionaries. The other important feature is that it provides many examples to illustrate the meanings and uses of the Chinese characters and set phrases with clear and accurate English translations.

The entries are arranged in pinyin order, with both simplified and complex spellings wherever applicable, followed by Chinese definitions and English translations, and in many cases, by examples of sentences or phrases. There are four easy ways to find a Chinese character in the dictionary: by syllables, pinyin, radicals, and strokes.

A national book award winner, this dictionary is an indispensable and worthy reference tool for individuals and organizations engaged in Asian or Chinese studies. Instruction: The following introduction to this book is in Chinese. If your computer doesn't show Chinese characters, please right-click your mouse, select Encoding and then select Chinese Simplified to read in Chinese.


本书四大特色: 一、中国出版史上第一部融文、理、工、农、医、经、法、商多学科于一体,兼具普通汉英辞典与科技汉英辞典功能的大型汉英辞典。


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