The Travels of Lao Can


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The Travels of Lao Can



Author: Liu E
Order No. 6106
ISBN-13: 9787119033532
ISBN-10: 7119033530
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Foreign Languages Press
Pub Year: 2005
Pages: 165
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8
Price: $12.95




Author Liu E is a brilliant intellectual born into a scholarly family at the end of the Qing Dynasty. By describing what Lao Can sees and hears on his travels, the author fiercely attacked the injustices he witnessed and exposed the so-called “honest and upright officials" as hypocrites who tried to rise to power at the expense of the people.


Written in 1905, The Travels of Lao Can has been circulating for nearly a century and people think highly of Liu E's mastery of language. The use of language, observations and detailed descriptions all show the author's originality. Among late Qing-dynasty novels, The Travels of Lao Can is, artistically, a prominent work.

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