Translation Rights1 Deals We Have Helped to Conclude

Title:The Best of Wildlife Art
Subject: Art

Title: The Best of Wildlife Art 2
Subject: Art

Title: Painting Birds Step by Step
Subject: Art

Title: Painting Garden Birds with Shirley C. Nelson
Subject: Art

Title: Drawing Animals
Subject: Art

Title: How to Draw the Human figure
Subject: Art

Title: Sketching Your Favorite Subject in Pen & Ink
Subject: Art

Title: Don’t Take My Picture
Subject: Photography

Title: Great Travel Photography
Subject: Photography

Title: Professional Secrets for Photographing Children
Subject: Photography

Title: Wedding Photography: Creative Techniques for Lighting and Posing
Subject: Photography

Title: Zoom Lens Photography
Subject: Photography

Title: Wide Angle Photography
Subject: Photography

Title: Telephoto Lens Photography
Subject: Photography