Korean Drama Under Japanese Occupation: Plays by Yu and Ch’ae


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Korean Drama Under Japanese Occupation

Plays by Ch’I-jin Yu and Man-sik Ch’ae

Author: Ch’i-jin Yu and Man-sik Ch’ae

Translator: Jinhee Kim, Ph.D.

ISBN-13: 9781931907170

ISBN-10: 193190717X

Order No. 1025

Size: 5 ½ x 8 ½

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Homa & Sekey Books

Pages: 178

Pub Year: 2004

Price: $16.95

20% Off: $13.56

From 1910 to 1945, Japan occupied Korea and controlled every aspect of the Korean life. This book selects three plays by two prominent Korean writers, Ch’i-jin Yu and Man-sik Ch’ae, who ventured to voice anti-Japanese sentiments in their plays despite the harsh censorship.
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